Teaching a second language at childcare

23 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Learning a second language as a small child is much easier than trying to pick up as second language as an adult. Having a second language has proven benefits in increased mental ability and control. With the multicultural influences in Australia, offering a childcare program with second language learning can be an attractive way to draw in new people and families. Here are some tips to introduce a second language program. Identify a language Read More 

How to Help Your Child Gently Settle into Preschool

21 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Attending preschool is now considered an important part of a child's preparation for starting school. It introduces them to the routines of a school day, the social nature of schooling, and the independent thinking required of school age children. Many children love preschool from the first day, but many may take a while to adjust to being separated from their parents and being in the care of other adults. Fortunately, there are several ways you can help your child to settle in happily to preschool before they've even started. Read More 

Supporting Bilingual Children In Childcare

24 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If your first language is not English, you are no doubt eager for your children to keep speaking your native language fluently. If your child is in childcare, this is a great chance for them to get confident in speaking English before school and get the most of the neural benefits of being bilingual. Here are some ways to help your childcare carers support your efforts in keeping your child bilingual. Read More 

Integrating Speech Therapy Exercises into Day Care Settings

24 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

For children with many speech impediments, early intervention can be extremely useful in both resolving speech issues and referring children to speech therapists for intensive treatments. Childcare educators are in an ideal position to observe children's speech patterns and create activities that can help boost speech clarity and help children build confidence around their speech. Here are some activities that can help children build speech skills. Drinking Through Straws By drinking through straws children need to develop and use their lip strength, as well as co-ordinating tongue, lip and jaw movements. Read More