Tips On Teaching A Child To Ride A Bike

22 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you work in child care, you'll be keen to find fun outdoor activities for your little ones to do during the summer months.  Cycling is an extremely popular pastime, and if the child has natural balance and reasonable co-ordination, the art of bike riding can be mastered in as little as half an hour.  Here's how to teach a child to ride a bike. Teaching a child to ride a bike Read More 

Helping your child adjust to sleeping at child care

20 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your child is a reluctant sleeper it can be worrying to imagine how they might sleep during the day at child care. Here are some hints to help you let your child sleep better at daycare.  Let the carers know of any routines If you always give your a certain cuddle and jiggle before bed, or always read them the same story, or sing them a song, it can help to let the carers know of these routines so that they can replicate them as much as possible at the centre. Read More